Vitalize Your Healthy Genes Through Diet

Epigenetics:  ‘the science of environmental and lifestyle effects on the expression of inherited characteristics’. We control whether healthy or unhealthy genes are activated by how we eat, sleep and exercise. For me, the practical effects of Epigenetics mean that although my family is laden with overweight people who suffered strokes, heart attacks, and cancer, I […]

Reduce Pain and Healthcare Costs with Acupuncture!

As healthcare costs rise each year, health is declining. Of the chronic conditions recognized by the health industry, chronic pain accounts for 20% of them.  Acupuncture has been used for the treatment of painful conditions for thousands of years. Osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain, and back pain are among many sources of chronic pain, and they […]

Did you know your body contains roughly equal amounts of body cells and microbes? Your diet influences that crucial balance.

Creating Optimal Health- You Can Do It! The health of trillions of microorganisms living in our gut is more deeply connected to our health than most of us have imagined. Now, a new study shows that long-term dietary practices impact the richness and diversity of this community of microbes (termed microbiota), and it’s a good […]

If You Suffer from Chronic Pain and/or Depression, Read This!

Acupuncture boosts effectiveness of standard medical care for chronic pain and depression Posted on 30 January 2017 Health specialists at the University of York have found than acupuncture treatment can boost the effectiveness of standard medical care, lessening the severity of chronic pain and depression. Continue reading here: University of York


A Washington Post article makes clear the damage done by our sedentary lifestyles. The good news is that it also gives some solutions! In the words of James Brown: ‘Get up offa that thing and shake it, you’ll feel better!’ Read more: On Sitting

A simple blood test that could change your life.

A family member who suffers from fatigue had blood work done to check thyroid levels. The thyroid was normal, but two genetic mutations were discovered:  C667T andA1298C.Both mutations affect the synthesis of one of the most important enzymes in the human body: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. Shorthand: MTHFR.The reason I am writing you about this is that these […]

A simple blood test that could change your life.

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and you. One of my family members who suffers from fatigue had blood work done to check thyroid levels. The thyroid was normal, but two genetic mutations were discovered, called C667T and A1298C.Both mutations affect the synthesis of one of the most important enzymes in the human body: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. Shorthand: MTHFR.The reason I am writing you […]


 ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS VS SUGAR Medscape Today News reported, “The American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association have issued a joint scientific statement giving a cautious recommendation to the use of nonnutritive (that is, zero calorie) sweeteners to help people maintain a healthy body weight and for diabetics to aid glucose control.” “Better Than Sugar But Not Optimal Diet”, […]


  We all know the importance of regular exercise. But do you know that even with a great exercise routine, you may be wrecking your health? Do you know that prolonged sitting is dangerous, even deadly to your health- no matter how much exercise you do? An article from the Huffington Post explains the effects of too […]


SOURCE: Article by Zosia Chustecka for Medscape Medical News  December 7, 2011 — “This is the most comprehensive review of cancer and lifestyle undertaken to date,” said lead author Max Parkin, MD, professor of epidemiology at Queen Mary University, London, UK. “Many people believe that cancer is down to fate or is ‘in the genes,’ […]
