A simple blood test that could change your life.

A family member who suffers from fatigue had blood work done to check thyroid levels. The thyroid was normal, but two genetic mutations were discovered:
 C667T andA1298C.Both mutations affect the synthesis of one of the most important enzymes in the human body:
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
Shorthand: MTHFR.The reason I am writing you about this is that these mutations are common, fairly easy to treat and related to a wide variety of physical and mental health issues.MTHFR affects the synthesis of folate (folic acid). The need for folic acid in pregnancy is fairly well known. Lack of folic acid in the mother’s diet can cause neural tube defects such as spinal bifida.

Other health risks associated with lack of folate due to genetic defects are just coming to public awareness.

The C677T and A1298C mutations affect on folate metabolism can be linked to some of the following conditions:

Cardiovascular Disease (homocysteine levels): stroke, heart attack, blood clots and others.

Neuropsychiatric and Neurological Conditions: Schizophrenia-type symptoms, bipolar disorder, depression, ADD/ADHD, insomnia, irritability, neurotransmitter imbalances

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities


Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IBS

and more.

If you have any of these symptoms or they run in your family, I suggest that you get tested. I have made an appointment for myself.


PLEASE do not try to treat yourself.
Using the wrong form or taking the wrong amount of supplementation can make you sick!

It is also necessary to add the supplements to a well-nourished body free from toxins and inflammation. I can help you with that piece of the puzzle, but I HIGHLY recommend finding a doctor who is familiar with MTHFR or is willing to learn about it to prescribe and adjust the supplements.

This article is a starting point on this topic. If you want to learn more, there are many good resources on the web. Here are two that I found useful.


If I can be of help, or you have questions please contact me at:
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